
Natural health care and conventional medicine don't need to be conflict: they can work together to keep your healthy. Find out how here.

Essential Oils You Should Always Carry With You

30 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

You never know when a sudden headache, upset stomach, or even a minor scratch or bug bite will afflict you or your loved ones, so you want to be prepared at all times. Essential oils are used in many applications both internally and topically and can benefit you in many ways, and creating a travel essential oil kit can keep you ready for any type of mild emergency. Here are just some of the essential oils you will always want with you. Read More …

Three Common Cleansing Detox Questions

15 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Managing your health can be a difficult task in the modern world. The stress of the modern work schedule coupled with poor diet and an abundance of chemical products can expose your body to an assortment of toxins and other substances, and a cleansing detox can be the perfect solution for helping you rid your body of these substances. What Is The Purpose Of Going Through A Cleansing Detox? Over time, toxins and microscopic parasites can start to accumulate in your body. Read More …

3 Surprising Ways Marijuana Can Be Beneficial For Women

16 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Marijuana is well on its way to becoming legal in more states and that only means one thing: more people will now have access to this powerful herb's benefits. As a woman, whether you like to use marijuana recreationally or not, there are some pretty good reasons why legal weed is something you should be rooting to happen. The fact is, there are all kinds of issues women face on a daily basis that can be helped with the components in this plant. Read More …

Holistic Occupational Therapy Enhances Conventional Occupational Therapy With Natural And Healthy Practices

7 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When 76 percent of healthcare providers are using at least one form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and 42 percent of hospitals offer complementary and alternative medicine services, this trend proves that implementing holistic approaches in health care fields such as occupational therapy can indeed be a benefit to patients. Holistic occupational therapy provides health, wellness and disease prevention services. Occupational therapists are also being given special training in holistic care so that they can incorporate the new trend into their practices. Read More …

Reasons For The Success Of Telephone Healing

14 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have ever considered visiting a healer to address a physical ailment by allowing his or her energy to merge with yours, you are already familiar with energy healing. In some instances, it is possible for energy healing to occur without the need to physically be near to the person providing the service, as seen in distance healing. Telephone healing sessions are simply an example of distance healing. Although the concept may be challenging to believe at first, the following information will explain why telephone healing sessions can succeed. Read More …

About Me
Learning More About Natural Healthcare

I have never been the kind of person that likes taking medicine, which is why I was so nervous when I found out that I had cancer. I knew that I would need to undergo chemotherapy and radiation, but I wasn't sure where to start. However, I knew that with a little hard work and investigation, I would probably be able to find a natural treatment method that could compliment my necessary treatments. I found a great massage therapist who helped me to treat some soreness and pressure in my back, and it was amazing to see the difference. This blog is all about how to use natural healthcare as a secondary treatment option.