
Natural health care and conventional medicine don't need to be conflict: they can work together to keep your healthy. Find out how here.

Learn The Art Of Healing: Why Take In-Person Reiki Classes

26 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to become a reiki healer, you might have thought about taking online classes. If you have, it's time for a different perspective. Online classes are great for some subjects. But, with regard to reiki healing, in-person classes are the better approach. In-person classes allow you to engage in the learning experience in a more meaningful manner. But, there are other benefits as well. Read the list below. Here are four important benefits you'll get when you take in-person reiki classes. Read More …

Have Sinus Problems? Try Acupuncture As A Treatment

12 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you have sinus problems, you know how painful this can be. Your face, head, and even your teeth can hurt from this condition. The nose is a respiratory and olfactory organ. Your nose skeleton is housed in the nasal cavity. When you have sinuses, pressure builds up in the organ causing you to feel pain. One thing you can try to help you is acupuncture. Below is information on what this is and how it can help you. Read More …

FAQs About CBD Roll-On Pain Relief Products

8 July 2022
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Did you go years without working out and just got back into a regular workout routine? If your years of slacking are showing through the pain you experience after each workout, do not let the pain throw you back off track. All you need is a product that can help you get pain relief without waiting a long time for the effects to kick in. If you sometimes take pain medication but do not like the idea of taking so many pills on a regular basis, try a product that is natural to obtain the desired results. Read More …

How Can CBD Topicals Help You?

26 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Cannabidiol can be derived from cannabis and hemp plants. Like other cannabinoids, CBD has many uses in health care. CBD can reduce pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle sprains, and more. People looking for relief from pain and skin conditions may benefit from topical preparations of CBD, such as appointments and lotions formulated with CBD oil. Here are four things that CBD oil topicals can do for you: 1. Boost the efficacy of oral CBD supplements. Read More …

When You Might Want To Choose A Midwife

25 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you pregnant and exploring your birthing options? If so, you may want to consider having a licensed midwife in the delivery room. Midwives offer many advantages that could smooth things along during childbirth. This article discusses some of the reasons why you might want to choose a midwife for your upcoming delivery. You Have a Low-Risk Pregnancy Midwives are specially trained medical professionals who provide care for low-risk pregnancies. They offer comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care, as well as support during labor and delivery. Read More …

About Me
Learning More About Natural Healthcare

I have never been the kind of person that likes taking medicine, which is why I was so nervous when I found out that I had cancer. I knew that I would need to undergo chemotherapy and radiation, but I wasn't sure where to start. However, I knew that with a little hard work and investigation, I would probably be able to find a natural treatment method that could compliment my necessary treatments. I found a great massage therapist who helped me to treat some soreness and pressure in my back, and it was amazing to see the difference. This blog is all about how to use natural healthcare as a secondary treatment option.